Click here to access a google drive with my free lesson plans. Download to view/edit properly. 

Before jumping in, here is some background information to help you grasp the lesson plan outline. Please feel free to take and use whatever you would like. Adapt it for your classroom as you see fit. With some research, you can find many different types of plans.

These lesson plans have been in development since the summer of 2014.  All lesson plans are NOT created equal. Some plans were created for 6th graders who had NO prior knowledge of music theory, and some plans were made for 8th graders with a little music theory background. Adversely, some plans were made for students who had a large amount of training, and still others were made for classrooms that were filled with students that had completely mixed backgrounds in music. I do believe in teaching students how to count rhythms using the metric counting system. Although Kodaly, Aki, and French Time names, are widely accepted and proven successful, professional musicians in today’s world are using the metric system and I want my students to learn that from day 1. 

Every school that I have had the opportunity to work with has been made up of a wonderfully diverse student body. I have worked with all races, religions, sexual identities, and students with disabilities. One of the wonderful things about being a choir teacher is that we strive to create an inclusive learning environment. If you can, or already love to sing, you are accepted and pushed to be better like everyone else.  You'll notice on some of these plans, and on the templates that gender and "Student Identity" actually have its own section. My personal belief is that if there is a student in my room, they are here to sing, to join in song, and to become a better musician. This is regardless of how a student identifies. However, I will note that I find it EXTREMELY important to know your student’s backgrounds, their home lives, their social groups, and their culture. The only true way to connect with a student sometimes is by understanding, and appreciating their culture. As such, these sections are included in my lesson plans. 

Again, please feel free to take and use whatever you would like. Adapt it for your classroom as you see fit. You will find many different types of plans. Most lessons are for guided practice with students however, some are for "teacher only" use during a guided chorus rehearsal. Lessons may include;

  1. Do nows

  2. Exit tickets

  3. Guided practice

  4. Self-practice

  5. Homework assignments

  6. Worksheets

  7. Movie study guides

  8. "Teacher Only Plans"

  9. Basic music technique

  10. Reflection

I encourage you to add your state (national) standards to each lesson and highlight/circle which standards you will be covering. As always, make sure you leave time at the end of the day for you to physically write down adjustments you need to make to each lesson. It will save you a headache for next year. Enjoy!