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NAfME Hill Day #NAfMEHD17

I will be presenting a class to the collegiate NAfME student's about successful teaching in inner city areas and how music can truly change lives. My journey from Poughkeepsie to Jamaica to NYC and then all the way out to Minnesota has taught me many things about the similarities and differences in students. However, all of my educational ideas are focus around passion, patience, building relationship and student centered learning.

"This is just the beginning of a new day for music education. We must help states, districts, and schools interpret and implement the new law of the land.  There’s a lot more work to do!

Don’t miss this opportunity to join us in Washington, D.C. this June, for mentoring and professional development that will empower you to be the advocate you need to be, for yourself, and for your students. Help lead our next steps in this new era for music education.

  • Go “behind the scenes” as we meet face-to-face with U.S. legislators and their staffs in Senate and Representative offices on the Hill.
  • Enjoy a wonderful evening reception and awards dinner, as you meet and network with NAfME state and national leaders.
  • Participate in leadership and advocacy training that you can take back to share with your chapter and use in your career.

NAfME is the established national voice for music education and we want YOU to be in Washington, D.C. in June for this exciting event.  It’s the chance of a lifetime to carry your passion for music education to Capitol Hill."

16 June

Harmony College East

4 July

International Convention - Barbershop Harmony Society