Chorus Coaching
Chorus coaching is a shared tradition among conductors and educators to both inspire our musicians and to get the most out of their abilities. Carnes has had the immense pleasure and honor of working with numerous choruses from the middle-school age to professional choirs internationally and each time he shares in the joy of coming together to work hard on our goals.
“When a group of strangers - people whom you’d think would never even cross paths in their own worlds, people with different interests and opposing personalities - come together for a united cause. Doug likes to tell us stories. We laugh, we cry, we get frustrated, but we do it all together. That’s what is so special about Danu. Everything - no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential - we do together as a family. A found family. My found family. Something I really never thought I'd find. And suddenly this world felt a lot less boring.” - Aobha Ní Aragáin - ‘22-23 Danu Alum
“I knew from the moment I saw him work with my choirs at SE Harmony Festival in MN that I wanted to work with him again, he was authentically him and the girls loved the realness that he brought into the room” - Shelly Winemiller - Sing Out Loud Choirs - 2017
“We saw a video on youtube and realised that your energy was exactly what we needed to encourage our singers to move and ‘break out of their shell.’ We are so happy that you came to work with us, it was very fun!” - Church of Almighty God Choir Leadership - 2021