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Festival of Styles

Dear MN Colleagues!

School year is well under way and I hope yours is off to an exciting start (how could it not be….??)!

In case you don’t know what to do on theSaturday of the last weekend of October – since MN-ACDA SSAA/TTBB has come to a, what seems, permanent end….. it has been such a great tradition to welcome so many of you every year to that ‘Festival of the Past’.

LET’S START SOMETHING NEW!! Something different – definitely not the ‘same old/same old’!! We announced the plans for a different festival at this summer’s MN- Dialogue:

Well…. HERE IT IS: A Day of SINGING, EXPLORING, LEARNING!!! An opportunity to sing WITH and NEXT TO your singers! FESTIVAL OF STYLES

All the details: click below….

Questions? Get in touch!


What would the fall be without a musical journey to Saint John’s?


Hope to see you on October 28! (…and on November 9, MUSIC EXPLORATION DAY at Saint John’s

3 October

Coaching NorthStar

17 November